There comes a time where you begin to take interest in purchasing a computer whether it would be to fulfill your work duties or merely it’s because you want a computer to entertain yourself with media and programs alike. In both cases, it is wise to be knowledgeable about what computer specifications are recommended for the use cases you seek considering that you do not want to purchase an expensive system that far reaches the recommended requirements for your intended tasks nor do you want to have a system that doesn’t meet the minimum spec requirements at all. For most purchase inquires, looking at processor, system memory, graphics processor, and storage specifications are the most important aspects of a computer for an everyday consumer to consider.
The processor or CPU handles most of the tasks done on a computer, and it could be thought of as the brain of the system. The CPU market primarily comprises of two brands in the PC industry which would be Intel and AMD who both make reliable processors. Depending on your workflow, an Intel i3 or AMD 3 series of CPUs should be sufficient for everyday tasks, and a higher performing CPU should mostly be considered if your tasks relate to 3D graphics such as design and video games.
Another component to consider is how much memory should your system have. Memory, also known as RAM, can play an integral part of how fluid the experience is when using multiple programs and browser tabs simultaneously. For Windows 10, the minimum requirement for RAM is one gigabyte but that will lead to a very slow experience where many applications will struggle with. Consumer should look into having at least six to eight gigabytes of RAM as it is more than enough for having a fluid experience switching between productivity apps and scrolling through web pages all at once. Consumers who want a graphics-oriented system should look into having a 16-gigabyte system, with anything higher than that being generally excessive for most people.
Similar to a CPU, a GPU or graphics processing unit is the brains of the computer but instead responsible for rendering visuals. The GPU market is also dominated by two brands which are Nvidia and AMD, and both brands have a subset line of GPUs that range from how capable they are. Recommendations for GPUs can be quite conditional as selecting the correct GPU directly correlates to how graphically and computationally demanding the consumer needs the component to be. The consumer should look at the minimum and recommended requirements for the program or game they wish to use before purchasing a computer to ensure system stability, but most modern PCs feature a GPU that can be quite capable of doing graphics rendering.
The easiest component to select when buying a PC is looking at the storage capacity. Most individuals casually looking for a computer should consider at least 128 gigabytes in their system, and others who look to store plenty of games or media files in their drive should consider getting 512 gigabytes or one terabyte which is equivalent to 1000 gigabytes.
One of the most important aspects when looking for a computer is to read reviews of the product in question. Sometimes a computer can heavily underperform when benchmarked even if it is comprised of top-of-the-line specifications. Computers mostly underperform due to poor heat-cooling design, and the computer will throttle its performance when subjected to high system temperatures. Readings reviews also helps the consumer become more familiar with the PC itself where they can further reevaluate their options in buying.